We are here to help.

Whether you are a clinic implementing our platform, or a patient troubleshooting the app, we are here to help. 

Support for patients

We can help you set up the app, connect your bluetooth scale, or set goals to make small changes in your lifestyle.
Patient Support


How much of my time is PreventScripts going to take?

PreventScripts is designed to be a very simple mobile remote program, based upon the latest research. PreventScripts should take less than 5 minutes a day of your time!  Stepping on the scale first thing in the morning after you empty your bladder will take around one minute. Taking your blood pressure will only take 1-2 minutes as well. Our simple fruit and veggie tracker and water tracker will take less than a minute of your time daily. We recommend that you select a "My Plan" within the app. This will take less than 2 minutes a week. This is a proven approach to behavior change in which you select "eat less sugar" or "drink more water" as your goal, for example.  We have a weekly email for you to read and bite sized "PrevenTips" which we will send you daily which are tailored for your goal. Each goal will launch 8 weeks of short and actionable PrevenTips which will help you permanently achieve your goal! Your provider will check in with you once a month, this will take around 10-20 minutes.

Who pays for PreventScripts?

Your provider pays for the license to the remote monitoring program. Your provider will bill your insurance and as always, your insurance may require you to pay a portion of the program. As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.

How is the PreventScripts program structured?

Once your risk for diabetes and hypertension is assessed in the office and your biometrics show you are eligible for the program, your provider staff will train you on using the software and help you get it on your phone. Your clinic will provide you a unique "Coupon Code" to enter into the mobile app. PreventScripts will then mail your "Healthy Living Kit". The program centers around setting a "My Plan" in which you select a goal to focus on. For example "Eat Less Sugar". Then we send a a weekly "check-in" survey into the app dashboard in which you regroup and see how you are doing on meeting your goals and troubleshoot barriers to changing the behavior, selecting a couple of doable changes for the next week. Monthly you will "check-in" with a Certified Medical Assistant to assess your progress, troubleshoot barriers to changing behaviors and provide personalized support.

Who can see my data?

PreventScripts is Secure AND Private, we encrypt your data in motion and at rest at the level of the banking industry. We do not sell your data to third parties, including your health insurance.  We may share population level de-identified data with health insurance companies and/or clinical research partners to assist in your providers partnership with your health insurance company to improve your health.

So what is this self-tracking all about?

Your Self tracking will pay off in dividends!  Clinical Research shows that self tracking your steps with a pedometer will help you improve your fitness. Tracking your fruits and vegetables will help you eat more fruits and vegetables.  Tracking your weight and/or Blood Pressure if it is elevated will help you lower your blood pressure. And so on…

Our Program also incorporates proven behavior change protocol recommended by the United States Preventive Task Force called "5A". This means you Check in, Select a goal, select your reason for the goal, trouble shoot your barriers to meeting the goal, then select a couple of small steps to take in the next week to help you progress though gradually to mastery of that goal over time. This is a weekly rhythm and happens all through the mobile app! You are your own best coach!

What if I completed my survey through my provider's tablet, but I don't have a smartphone? Can I participate in PreventScripts Programs?

If you have a "flip phone" we are sorry to say that you will not be able to participate in PreventScripts programs. Because having a "smart phone" is such an incredible opportunity for you to track and improve your health metrics, we think the small investment will be worth it in the long run! Keep in mind you can purchase a great Android Phone for under $100 these days. Let your office know if you upgrade your phone to a smart phone and you will be eligible to start your PreventScripts program right away! Our Program is available for both Iphones and Android Phones.

Who designed this program?

The PreventScripts Platform was Designed by doctors with trusted professional such as American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, Center for Disease Control, Patient Reported Outcomes Information Systems, the American Academy of Family Medicine and the American Academy of Pediatrics.  We use the latest medical evidence in our software program to help you improve your relationship with your provider, and track and improve your health.

Support for clinics

From guiding you through the onboarding process to troubleshooting technology, we can help you easily implement our platform without the headache.
Clinic Support


How does PreventScripts help my patients get healthier?

The PreventScripts program helps you identify and intervene with your patients who are at risk for developing diabetes and hypertension and who may already have a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome or obesity. Rather than refer out of your practice to a specialist or specific third party program, we help you implement a clinic based prevention program that brings in additional revenue to your practice and helps your patients get healthy. Our color coded platform helps soften the shame and difficulties in bringing up the conversation of lifestyle disease with your patients. We help you show your patients the numbers and encourage them to track their health behaviors as well as biometrics over time.

How do I get paid for using the PreventScripts Platform with my patients?

First, the PreventScripts implementation and training sessions include a high level overview of implementation and billing codes. Second, we dive into an in depth evaluation of your reimbursement expected within your payer contracts. Third, we train your clinical and billing staff on the codes generated with the PreventScripts platform in the context of your office workflow. On “ Go- live” day, you will begin implementing the platform and billing and coding for reimbursement.  

How does PreventScripts address patient privacy?

At PreventScripts we take your patient’s privacy very seriously. Through PreventScripts you are offering a program to help engage and activate your patients. Your patients will consent to using the PreventScripts program and to your access of their remotely monitored data. Upon download they will accept our privacy policy here. Of course your patients may opt out of the program at any time. To initiate account deletion, they will log in to the patient app, navigate to the Settings section, and find a clearly labeled option to "Delete Account." This option will prompt a confirmation dialog titled "Are you sure you want to delete your account?"  This action is permanent and irreversible. Once confirmed, all associated data will be securely deleted from our systems.

How does PreventScripts keep patient data secure? What about HIPAA?

At PreventScripts, we take the security and privacy of your patients' data very seriously. Our Chief Compliance Officer reviews our User Access Permission Control Policy annually, or as needed, to ensure compliance and to keep our systems secure and up to date. We adhere to and often exceed the requirements set by state, federal, HIPAA, and other regulatory agencies. Our data security measures include:

  • 256-bit encryption for data both in transit and at rest, ensuring robust protection against unauthorized access.
  • Regular security audits and assessments to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
  • Comprehensive training programs for our staff on data privacy and security best practices.
  • Advanced monitoring and alerting systems to detect and respond to any suspicious activities promptly.

These measures ensure that your patients' information is always handled with the utmost care and in full compliance with all relevant regulations.

What about malpractice? Will my malpractice carrier cover remote monitoring?

Yes, many malpractice carriers cover remote monitoring, but policies vary. Some carriers may offer discounts for using our product as it mitigates risks by enhancing early intervention through remote monitoring, potentially reducing malpractice risk. We recommend contacting your malpractice carrier for specific details. We are happy to assist in discussing the PreventScripts program with them

How Does PreventScripts communicate with my EHR?

PreventScripts utilizes Direct Secure Messaging, commonly referred to as Direct, which is a secure communication transport mechanism for sensitive information over the open internet. While appearing like email, Direct Secure Messaging utilizes digital certificates and a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to encrypt the contents of a message, meaning only the intended recipient can decrypt the message. Today, Direct Secure Messaging utilizes the foundation of the Direct Standard™, and is a widely deployed and accessible means for communicating sensitive health information to other trusted parties. Considered a “push” interoperability mechanism because of the sender “pushing” a message to the receiver, Direct Secure Messaging is a cornerstone of facilitating interoperability between disparate health technologies and organizations.

Which EHR’s utilize the Direct Protocol?

Allscripts, Athena Health, Cerner, E-Clinical Works, Epic, Evident, Greenway, Meditech, Next Gen all utilize the direct message protocol to communicate with third parties in healthcare. A more exhaustive list can be found HERE.

Is PreventScripts SMART on FHIR enabled?

Yes, PreventScripts is FHIR enabled.

What is SMART on FHIR anyway?

SMART Health IT was launched with a New England Journal of Medicine article proposing a universal API (application programming interface) to transform EHRs into platforms for substitutable iPhone-like apps. With federal investment, SMART on FHIR was developed as an open, free and standards-based API. Innovators use it to write an app once and have it run anywhere in the healthcare system. After successful lobbying of Congress and then the Department of Health and Human Services by the SMART team, the 21st Century Cures Act and 2020 Final Rule from the ONC made SMART a certification requirement. The Final Rule also specifies our SMART/HL7 FHIR Bulk Data Access API, or Flat FHIR API, which enables access to patient-level data across a patient population, supporting myriad use cases across healthcare, research, and public health ecosystems. Put simply, Flat FHIR is a standard to enable “push button” population health.

Shorter Version on SMART on FHIR please? I’m busy.

Put simply, Flat FHIR is a standard to enable “push button” population health. More on SMART on FHIR HERE.

Are you involved in any clinical outcomes research with your product?

Consistently monitoring and evaluating the state of the field and our product’s outputs is a value for PreventScripts. More information about PreventScripts research and how we partner with Population Health, Quality Improvement and Digital Health researchers can be found HERE.

What is your research focus at PreventScripts?

At PreventScripts our mission is to simultaneously solve the OBESITY and PRIMARY CARE SPENDING problems by helping primary care doctors identify and intervene early with their overweight and obese patients at risk for diabetes and hypertension with our tech-enabled remote monitoring Prevention Management Program.

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Take one walk and three vegetables and call me in the morning.
Change preventive care.
Take one walk and three vegetables and call me in the morning.
Change preventive care.